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Time to hop on the two wheel!

Did you know that cycling engages your whole body, it relaxes your mind and it gives your freedom!
Not that All?

Let us give you 5 more reasons that will make you get in love with cycling!

1. It’s good For you!

Cycling is a good way to improve your fitness and heart health. Two short trips to the shops and back each day, which means about 30 minutes’ of daily cycling, will begin to benefit your cardiovascular system.

2. Discover your surroundings
You discover places that you don't come across by walking or by car. Small villages, nature, mountains, dikes, water, sea, you see it all on your bike

3. It’s suitable for all ages and fitness levels
It doesn’t matter what shape you’re in, you can go at your own pace. The bike saddle holds 70 per cent of your body weight, so pressure on your joints is very low, too

4. Pushing pedals provides an aerobic workout.

That's great for your heart, brain, and blood vessels. Aerobic exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, the body's feel-good chemicals—which may make you feel young at heart.

5. Cycling saves you money
Apart from the initial cost of the bike (and there are plenty of inexpensive options that we have found for you) and its minimal running costs, cycling is free.
Cycling not only helps you on getting fit while going from A to B, but also saving money you may have spent on a gym membership, as well as cutting travel costs.

Have a look on the best offers running on the market below and start your cycling adventure today!

UK Germany Italy Poland
Ebay  Ebay Amazon Centrumrowerowe
Tesco Amazon Ebay Decathlon
Argos Otto Cisalfasport Mall
Evanscycles Lidl Longonisport Emag
Decathlon Westfalia Decathlon Redcoon
Wiggle Klingel Saldiprivati Allegro


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